Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My New Adventure!

I am very excited to announce I was elected director of Phoenix Phil-Am Lions Club.  

The Phoenix Phil-Am Lions Club is part of an international network who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world.  I was previously elected president and treasurer of an affiliated club the Barangay Lions. The Phil-Am Lions Club is part of one of the world’s largest service club organizations , Lions Clubs International.  I previously participated as a translator during a cataract medical mission in Benjamin Hill, Sonora ,Mexico.

Everywhere the club volunteers go, they make friends, and communities get better.  The club helps wherever help is needed – in their own communities and around the world – with unmatched integrity and energy.  I am also on the planning committee for the February, 2015 medical mission to the Philippines.  This year they performed over 200 cataract surgeries, free of charge, to those in need!  I am proud to be a director of such a wonderful club, and I look forward to the exciting activities we have planned. 

For more information about Phil-Am Lions Club you can visit the links below:
Local –  http://e-clubhouse.org/sites/phoenixpa/
International – http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/index.php

For more information about me and my philanthropic endeavors, please visit www.charlesirion.com

For more information about my Summit Murder Mystery series, please visit www.summitmurdermystery.com

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