Thursday, December 20, 2012

Project C.U.R.E. in the News

Project C.U.R.E. the amazing organization I volunteer for was featured on FOX News 10 today!  Take a look at this video and see the medical supplies we are delivering to Africa just in time for the holiday!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Radio Interview

I was interviewed recently with Global Talk Radio!  Click the link to listen to the interview below!

Benjamin Franklin's Financial Wisdom

This article was in my home newspaper, The Arizona Republic and I really like it and thought I would re-blog it.  This book

Imagine learning how to manage money from Benjamin Franklin.  The 18th-century Pennsylvanian was, after all, more than just your run-of-the-mill printer, inventor, civic activist, Founding Father and statesman.  He did more than fly kites in electrical storms, found universities and negotiate peace treaties.

Franklin also was a noted author on money, work and values, dispensing advice such as "a penny saved is a penny earned" through his series of popular "Poor Richard's Almanacks."

Valley author Ron Willingham did iimagine what it would be like to have Frankliin as a money mentor, and the result was his clever self-published work, "The Ten Laws of Wealth & Abundance."

This is a fictional tale of Andrew Baldwin, who rises from impoverished Philadelphia store clerk to wealthy merchant landowner by applying Franklin's 10 rules of financial success.

Willingham recently switched his attention to improving personal-finance habits after spending years as a sales and customer-service trainer.  He's the founder and chairman of LifeScript Learning in Phoenix and the author of several other self-help books.

"This is my first book on a financial theme," said Willingham, whose other works have focused on self-improvement, leadership, sales, customer service and related topics.

Writing in a somewhat archaic style with woodcut drawings for illustrations, Willingham explores the 10 tips gradually as Franklin and Baldwin interact over the years.

The tips are fundamentally basic and include axioms such as:
  • "Triim your expenses to weigh less than your income."
  • "Borrow only what you have the ability to repay."
  • "Invest with the greatest prudence and safety."
  • "Establish good habits, and they will establish you."
More than two centuries after Franklin penned them, the 10 laws make sense even today.

Willingham provides a quick-reading summary for people who don't plan to wade through all those "Poor Richard's Almanacks."

The book costs $26 and can be ordered through Willingham's Web site,

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